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MITSUTM  braided coated synthetic absorbable sterile Poly(glycolide/L-Lactide) that is Polyglactin 910 Surgical Suture. It is composed of a copolymer made 90% Glycolide and 10% L-Lactide. MITSUTM sutures coated with mixture containing equal parts of copolymer of Glycolide, Lactide and Clacium stearate. The molecular formula of copolymer is (C2H2 O2)(C3H4O2)and (C36H70O4Ca).

Poly(glycolide/L-Lactide) polymer and Poly(glycolide/L-Lactide) with calcium stearate exhibit non-pyrogenic properties. MITSUTM sutures are available in undyed and dyed (D and C violet No. 2) form.

Available in a broad range of suture sizes and lengths, MITSUTM comes with standard stainless steel needles of varied types and sizes. MITSUTM complies with the “Absorbable Surgical Suture” requirements as per the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and “Sterile Synthetic Absorbable braided strands” requirements as per the European Pharmacopeia (EP).


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